Our School

Our School Vision

Vision Statement 2023.pdf

Our School Values

Guided by the Holy Spirit we embrace the true attributes of a Christian life:

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control 

-Inspired by Galatians 5:22-23

Vision & Ethos

We are a spiritually vibrant and inclusive school, actively welcoming pupils and families from all religions and denominations and empowering them to excel. As a Church of England School a Christian ethos influences all of our activities and experiences. Through this we seek to promote the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ which are, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. All members of the Bluecoat community are appreciated and valued and emphasis is placed on recognising the contribution of each individual to the school as a whole.  

We aim to provide a secure, caring and happy environment, which supports families and children from two to eleven years, and sets a firm foundation for future learning. We strive to provide the highest possible quality teaching and learning which focuses on equipping children with the confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed choices about the issues they face in every area of their lives.  We create a learning environment in which they can safely challenge their limitations and explore the opportunities the world has to offer.  We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help adults and children lead happy and rewarding lives.

Chapter Structure

At Bluecoat C of E Primary School we place emphasis on providing continuity for our pupils both through curriculum progression and pastoral support. One way of doing this has been through the introduction of our chapter structure in the Autumn of 2016. Our aspirations for all our pupils are high and as they progress through the Chapters we place great emphasis on ensuring continuity of experience which contributes to a happy and rewarding school life.

Led by Janice Harris, Assistant Headteacher for Early Years

Chapter One embraces the philosophy of the Foundation Stage and includes our Nursery (FS1), Reception (FS2) and Year One (FS3) cohorts. All follow the Early Years curriculum with bespoke provision which covers the National Curriculum for Year One through the prime and specific areas. The Characteristics of Effective Learning are embedded in our approach to building children's learning power, ensuring that from the earliest opportunity our pupils develop a positive attitude to their education and are empowered to excel. Children receive continuity of provision and support from the whole Chapter One team until they transition through to Chapter Two.

Chapter Two

Led by Naomi Pluckrose

Chapter Two builds on the high quality provision in Chapter One and includes our Year Two and Year Three cohorts, thus bridging the Key Stage 1-Key Stage 2 divide. Many schools have found that pupils struggle with the transition to Key Stage 2 and their progress dips. At Bluecoat, pupils across Chapter Two have the opportunity to work and celebrate their learning together, for example, through the Creative Writing Project. PSHE is also a particular focus across Chapter Two as children begin to become more aware of their own wellbeing and their influence on others. Under the leadership of Mathew Harts, the Chapter Two team champion our focus on celebrating diversity and developing a culture of kindness across the school.

Chapter Three

Led by Chris Dayment

The strong provision in previous Chapters ensures that as our pupils move onto Chapter Three, which includes our Year Four, Year Five and Year Six cohorts, they are well prepared to challenge their limitations and explore all the opportunities available to them. Pupils in Chapter Three act as role models and provide support to their younger peers both informally and through a variety of leadership roles including House Captains, Peer Mediators, Librarians, Eco Warriors, Arts Ambassadors and Pupil Council. 

As global citizens of the future, our children have the opportunity to experience the real world through interaction with pupils from our partner schools in Germany, France, Austria and India. They participate in residential visits both locally and further afield, for example, Potsdam and London. 

The School Day

School Gates open at 8:40am ready to start the school day at 8:50am. In Chapter 1, parents and carers are invited into class at the start of the day to read with, and complete morning activities with their children. Teaching in Chapter 1 begins at 9:00am.

Break Times: Staggered times from 10:15am - 10:40am

Lunch Times: Staggered times from 11:40am - 12:30pm

 The school day finishes at 3:20pm.  

Our School Flag | The Torridge Flag

Our school flag was designed by the pupils of Bluecoat Primary School as part of the 2015 Parliament Flag Project. Run by Parliament in collaboration with artist Jonathan Parsons, the project invited schools from across the UK to collaboratively create a shared picture of democracy by designing a flag for a unique digital exhibition.