
We are committed to:

All forms of bullying including racist incidents are taken very seriously and will be challenged, recorded and reported in line with school policy.

We actively encourage pupils to show tolerance and to respect one another. We recognise that bullying can occur and we are continuously vigilant. When a problem arises we will address it. We encourage all pupils to develop a responsible attitude and take ownership of their behaviour and we value the support of parents and carers in achieving this.

We provide focused intervention programmes for pupils who have been identified as requiring additional support. We also recognise and nurture able and gifted pupils, providing enhanced opportunities for them to develop their particular talents within the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes

Some of the children in Year 6 have approached senior leaders to express their views on gender stereotypes. Here is their letter to the Headteacher:

Dear Ms Fleming

We are writing to you because we are trying to resolve an issue that is important to us. The children in Y6 think it's unfair that our toilets are pink and blue. We think our school should paint the toilets a more neutral colour such as: white, light yellow, grey etc.

We also think the signs outside the toilets should just say ' Girls ' and ' Boys ' rather depict what people think certain genders should wear. This is because on the girl's sign the person is wearing a skirt and we think most people agree that clothes shouldn't have a gender.

We are trying to change the way people think about colours and clothes because it's unfair to sexualise things just because of the colour. 

From Bella, Poppy and Caitlyn in 6D

The children have conducted a survey with their peers in Year 6 and have found that the majority are in agreement with their argument.

Senior Leaders have met and respect their argument. They have agreed to re-paint the toilets in gender neutral colours.

Exclusion & Reintegration

We work with Devon County Council’s Education Inclusion Service to ensure early support, intervention and guidance for any pupils who are experiencing difficulties that could potentially lead to any form of exclusion. At Bluecoat, emphasis is very much on inclusion and support is rigorously evaluated, monitored and reviewed, with the decision to exclude a pupil being the very last resort.

Please go to the Devon County Council Education Inclusion Service website for further details or if you have any concerns relating to this matter, please contact the Headteacher.

Calm Club

Calm Club is a lunchtime session that runs daily for 20 minutes. The purpose of the club is to provide support to identified children who are invited along at the request of their class teacher.  

Facilitated by Mrs Stevens, Calm Club creates a quiet and calming environment for children to gather their thoughts, reflect on their emotions and relax.  There is a programme in place that includes stretching and balancing to improve focus and concentration, mindful breathing and calming to help to re-centre and focus, meditation, and Emotional Regulation.   Children have the opportunity to talk about feelings and emotions and work on creating a safe place for children to share their emotional difficulties and reflect on their experiences together.

The club has had great success and the children enjoy a happy and calm environment.