School governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governors appoint the head teacher and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and agree the school’s budget. In other words, it’s a very meaningful role!
Our Governing Body
Joint Chair Persons: Jackie Furseman & Louise Hunter
Our Governing Body has representatives from the Local Authority, the Diocese, Parents, Staff and the Community. The Diocese of Exeter Board of Education appoints the foundation governors. The school comes under the Diocese of Exeter and representatives of the Church of England Advisory board will visit periodically. Governors visit school regularly and you are welcome to contact them via the school reception. The Full Governing Body meet twice a term. It comprises the following committees, who also meet twice a term and provide feedback to the Full Governing Body:
Resources Committee
Teaching and Learning Committee including Early Years Teaching Centre
Ethos Committee
For full information regarding our Governors, please see the information below.
Key Governor Information

Minutes from governor meetings are available upon request. Please contact if you have a query relating to governor meeting minutes.
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