Bluecoat Group
Established in September 2017, The Bluecoat Group is designed to provide a bespoke education for a small number of children with identified Special Educational Needs.
The Bluecoat Group exists within the framework of Great Torrington Bluecoat C of E Primary School and as such, abides by all the same policy documents, spiritual values and educational ethos of the school.
We are currently consulting on proposals to establish a Resourced Provision at Bluecoat Church of England Primary School, Great Torrington. Please see the document below. The formal consultation period runs from 15th April until 13th May 2024. Comments can be made to the Governing Body by emailing or by post to:
Clerk to Governors. Bluecoat C of E Primary School, Borough Rd, Great Torrington. Devon. EX38 7NU
Please note that all responses must be received by 13th May 2024.

Download the Bluecoat Group Leaflet here:

The Vision of Inclusion
At Great Torrington Bluecoat C of E Primary School, we recognise that every child matters and we aim to respond to every child’s needs, taking into consideration their cultural background, life experiences, strengths and difficulties, emotional, developmental and physical needs.
The Bluecoat Group is an integral part of the whole school and whilst the children often achieve their learning in a separate manner to their peers, there is plenty of time for interaction with their peers so that relationships can be formed with peers and teachers alike and all children can recognize their equal value and worth.
To provide a bespoke, individualised education, based on the specific needs of each child.
To have a predictable, calm and purposeful environment and timetable that is based on the National Curriculum but adapted to meet the educational attainment of each child.
To develop self-esteem and social skills in children that have often experienced education as a negative experience.
To revisit early learning skills in order to create firm foundations for future learning.
To help children learn appropriate behaviour and interactions with each other, taking responsibility for themselves and others
To empower children to make decisions and wise choices through understanding consistent boundaries and consequences.
To work in partnership with parents and teachers to achieve consistency of approach at home and in school.
To prevent exclusion of some of our most vulnerable pupils.
To celebrate children’s successes with regular a assessment of educational, personal and social skills.
The Bluecoat Group offers a modified curriculum that is suited to each individual child’s needs.
All curriculum subjects are planned for but the timetable allows for shorter lesson times and frequent sensory breaks in between lessons to allow for greater success.
Each day starts with breakfast; children are given responsibility for specific jobs to boost self-esteem and provide a sense of identity.
Greater emphasis is given to PSHE activities to encourage children to form relationships and develop the basic skills of interaction.
Greater flexibility is given to revisit important early learning skills that are essential for later learning and independence. In order to maximise the benefit of early education pedagogy and play based learning styles, the Bluecoat Group will sit under the Chapter 1 banner and join with their planning and learning topics.
Partnership with Parents and Carers
At Great Torrington Bluecoat Primary School, we recognise the importance of involving parents and carers in their children’s education.
The Bluecoat Group aims to keep parents and carers informed of their child’s progress through termly consultations.
Staff of the Bluecoat Group will be available before and after school to talk through any issues that arise and provide support and advice.
Parents and Carers will be invited to join their children for breakfast once every half-term and to join in some arranged activities to help celebrate their child’s successes.
Success Criteria
The Bluecoat Group will be considered successful if:
Children make educational progress, despite their level of educational need.
Children feel accepted unconditionally and can celebrate successes.
The Bluecoat Group children are considered an equal and valuable part of the whole school community.
Children feel confident to approach new challenges and grow in independence and resilience.
Children will be more successful at developing and maintaining relationships with their peers and the wider school community.