PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Education
PSHE at Bluecoat...
Our PSHE curriculum allows the children to freely express how they feel and to consider the differing opinions of their peers to understand themselves and to discover the best ways for them to flourish as adults in the future in our ever-changing world.
Bluecoat children:
Have the knowledge and emotional literacy to be successful adults
Understand the importance of keeping a healthy body and healthy mind
Develop a strong sense of self worth by contributing to life at school
Feel empowered to strive to achieve their best and build self-esteem
Are encouraged to understand differences and to respect and celebrate their uniqueness
Develop a sense of belonging to the wider community
Understand the changes their bodies go through both physically and emotionally as they prepare for adult life
Are empowered to lead healthy and fulfilling relationships
Have a voice to call out injustices and challenge unhealthy stereotypes
SCARF - Our whole school approach focuses on promoting behaviour and wellbeing. These blocks cover relationships, valuing differences, keeping themselves safe, rights and responsibilities, growing and changing and being their best. This scheme includes guidelines on Mental Health and Wellbeing and British Values. Workshops include Personal Development, Internet Safety and Mental Health and Wellbeing. Themes of SCARF are built upon as the children move through the school ensuring age appropriate learning in line with the National Curriculum.
SCARF fulfils statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development and Ofsted inspection criteria for personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Visitors to school help raise the profile of the themes of PSHE and the ethos and values at Bluecoat. Their personal experiences help to inspire our children.
The impact of our PSHE curriculum, including all aspects of whole school life, has seen our pupils:
be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society and celebrate difference and diversity
recognise and apply British values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty
be able to reflect on their own lives and provide opportunities to flourish individually
be able to understand and manage their emotions and look after their mental health and wellbeing
be able to develop positive, healthy relationships with their peers both now and in the future, to feel empowered in their own lives
understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level
These things have been evident in class discussions and a raised profile of the PSHE themes across the school. Pupil voice is used across the school to evidence attainment of the children and also to monitor attitudes and opinions. Evidence of the impact of our curriculum is monitored through regular recorded pupil voice sessions.
Early Adopter School
We are proud at Bluecoat to be an Early Adopter School, chosen by the Government to take on the brand new RSHE curriculum from September 2020. This new curriculum combines Relationships, Health and Sex Education across the whole school so that relevant lessons are being taught to introduce the children to suitable strategies to maintain strong relationships and build on developing their emotional logic throughout the primary phase and into adolescence. The new framework brings an awareness of the modern day changes they will face as they grow and change, and prepares themselves for life as a responsible adult.
A whole-school approach is vital in improving children’s emotional health and wellbeing, helping to keep them safe, improving behaviour and raising achievement, as children's emotional health and wellbeing has a huge impact on their ability to learn. Children are encouraged to talk about their emotions, challenge each other's feelings and nurture a sense of belonging through caring and respecting differences.
With six mini topics that cover each half term, the children all take part in sessions on Valuing Differences, Keeping Myself Safe, Right and Responsibilities, Being my Best, Growing and Changing, Me and My Relationships.
Positive Mental Health
Here at Bluecoat, we believe that promoting positive mental health is just as important as promoting positive physical health.
Throughout the year, we work on developing children's mental health in a range of different ways. Through circle time, PSHE and class discussions, we talk openly about feelings, emotions and mental wellbeing, encouraging children to do the same.
Each year, we celebrate Mental Health & Wellbeing Week, planning targeted teaching sessions which provide children with the tools they might need to improve their own mental health.
For some excellent resources on supporting children's mental health, have a look at the links below:

Bluecoat Take 5
As part of our commitment to developing the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our children we have introduced the Bluecoat Take 5 across the school. This whole-school approach encourages the children to be aware and in control of their changing emotions and feelings by regularly talking about the things they know can help to keep their minds healthy. Based on the ways to wellbeing, our children are encouraged to share quality time with their friends, challenge themselves with new and difficult tasks, taking time to relax and noticing things around them in nature. We believe that healthy and happy minds lead to greater learning success and as a result the Bluecoat Take 5 weaves throughout the whole curriculum to provide the children with daily strategies to perform. Our children are encouraged to discuss their mental health regularly, and talk freely about their emotions with their friends and the adults in school. With reflection being an integral part of learning at Bluecoat, the children are aware of different techniques to encourage emotional wellbeing and good mental health.
Positive Touch
At Bluecoat School we believe that every child should be taught to recognise what is positive and appropriate touch. The positive touch programme is part of the Massage In Schools Programme (MISP) which is used across the world and is an evidence-based, child to child, internationally respected peer massage programme. It has been used in the UK since the 1990s and has Scandinavian origins. There are generally very mixed feelings about touch and a study was carried out in the 1960s to observe couples from a range of backgrounds and countries in a cafe setting to see how often they touched each other during conversation; incidental gestures such as a pat on the back or touch of the hand. The results were remarkable. Couples from Puerto Rico touched each other 180 times over the hour of conversation whilst those in London averaged zero times over the hour.
Here at Bluecoat, we facilitate weekly sessions for children up to year 3. Positive Touch is only carried out within set times, within a trained situation and over clothes. Parental consent is required prior to any child participating in the programme and they are invited to an information session soon after their child starts at the school. The pupils are required to give and receive consent before beginning massage and this is central to the foundations of the Massage in Schools Programme.
The programme is a set of 15 moves that are used as an anti-bullying strategy. The children are taught each move by a trained Positive Touch practitioner. The children are partnered up and the massage only takes place child to child and never with an adult whilst calming music is played. Children may opt out at any time.
Research shows that there are lasting, positive outcomes for children who are involved in the MISP regularly, impacting on their well-being and preparation for learning.
Strengthens the immune system
Lowers stress levels
Increases production of oxytocin – relaxing hormones
Children learn and experience saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to touch and what is appropriate touch
Empowers children to be in control of own body – children’s rights
Improves social interaction – develops friendships
Children are individually acknowledged
Improved concentration
Develops and encourages imagination
Discover differences between people
Develops respect
Improves self-esteem
Practical tool against bullying – sense of whole school unity
Less conflicts in the playground
Improves turn taking and negotiation
Develops vocabulary, Communication and Language
Please download the leaflet below to find out more details: