Bluecoat Group

Established in September 2017, The Bluecoat Group is designed to provide a bespoke education for a small number of children with identified Special Educational Needs. 

The Bluecoat Group exists within the framework of Great Torrington Bluecoat C of E Primary School and as such, abides by all the same policy documents, spiritual values and educational ethos of the school.


We are currently consulting on proposals to establish a Resourced Provision at Bluecoat Church of England Primary School, Great Torrington. Please see the document below. The formal consultation period runs from 15th April until 13th May 2024. Comments can be made to the Governing Body by emailing or by post to:

Clerk to Governors. Bluecoat C of E Primary School, Borough Rd, Great Torrington. Devon. EX38 7NU 

Please note that all responses must be received by 13th May 2024.

Consultation to Establish Resourced Provision
Brief Notice Bluecoat C of E.pdf

Download the Bluecoat Group Leaflet here:

Bluecoat Group Leaflet

The Vision of Inclusion

At Great Torrington Bluecoat C of E Primary School, we recognise that every child matters and we aim to  respond to every child’s needs, taking into consideration their cultural background, life  experiences, strengths and difficulties, emotional, developmental and physical needs. 

 The Bluecoat Group is an integral part of the whole school and whilst the children often achieve their learning in a separate manner to their peers, there is plenty of time for interaction with their peers so that relationships can be formed with peers and teachers alike and all children can recognize their equal value and worth. 



Partnership with Parents and Carers

Success Criteria

The Bluecoat Group will be considered successful if: